CDTC Office Netherlands

CDTC Office Netherlands

Office closed due to Covid-19

CDTC has an office in the Netherlands managed by Monique te Boekhorst.
Monique is available for any questions and can provide guidance when contacting the foundations, or during your application. She hosts several information evenings at different locations in Holland throughout the year. Please find the dates and locations here. Up-dates on these events you will also find on our Facebook page.

Please feel free to contact Monique for any advice on applying for support at your health insurance, tax rulings or PGB, (Persoons Gebonden Budget). We will do our utmost to assist you in the application process, however institutions such as health insurance companies, do undergo frequent changes in their policies, and each company’s ruling is different for any individual patient, and as such we cannot guarantee the availability of funds.

Monique te Boekhorst
Phone      +31 6 12863361
Skype       CDTC-NL


Dit jaar staan de onderstaande informatieavonden gepland:

23 juni 2020: Gorinchem GEANNULEERD WEGENS COVID-19
hotel Campanile Gorinchem

06 oktober 2020: Zwolle
Urbana Zalenaccommodatie

Onze vertegenwoordigster Monique te Boekhorst geeft informatie over de dolfijn ondersteunde therapie en over reis en verblijf op Curaçao. ­­­­­­

Graag aanmelden via:

How to Apply

After having discussed the program with your regular doctor or therapist, and received his/her approval, you can easily apply for the dolphin assisted therapy program at CDTC. We have an easy application process that consists of 3 steps. We ask you to fill in our application form first. After this is done we will review your application with our team of specialists.