Price & Payment

Price & Payment

Due to the large demand for our therapy program, CDTC often receives requests to reserve a therapy period two or more years in advance. Although CDTC strives to maintain the price of our program at the same level, inflation and other circumstances that result in a rise of our program costs cannot be calculated in advance of more than one year. As such, we kindly ask for your understanding when making a reservation for a therapy period of two or more years in advance, that the price quoted on the pro forma invoice that you will receive, may be subject to change. CDTC will issue a final invoice within 12 months of the reserved therapy period.


CDTC’s two-week Dolphin Assisted Therapy Program fee:

2023: US$ 8.150,-
2024: US$ 8.475, -
2025: US$ 8.475, -

All prices can be subject to change.

Please note that this price does not include the cost of airfare, or accommodation. It does include regular transportation from Curaçao Airport to your accommodation.


A non-refundable down payment of US$ 1000,- is due no later than two weeks after the reservation has been confirmed in writing (via e-mail) by CDTC. The remaining amount must be received no later than 90 days prior to the first therapy day. All additional bank charges owed on the transfers are for the account of the sender.

Legal Forms

Our General Terms & Conditions apply to all the programs that we offer and all related services. Before starting any of our programs, we are legally required to ask the patient, participant, parents or caretakers to carefully read the general terms and conditions and sign our liability waiver form.

Download Liability Waiver
Download General Terms and Conditions

The waiver form and general terms & conditions will be available for you at CDTC to be filled out and signed before the start of your program.

Need more information? Please call + 599 9 461 9886 or contact us through e-mail:

How to Apply

If you seek to find a tailor-made, intensive rehabilitation program, where the focus lies more on the strength of the individual rather than the underlining deficits, then CDTC can help achieve your goals. At the CDTC, we have created a caring and warm environment where joy is a key factor for success in professional rehabilitation and building self-confidence for every individual.