Ongoing Studies

Ongoing Studies


  • EEG Pilot Study: Researching the effects of Dolphin Assisted Therapy @ CDTC on brain activity. Cooperation with the German Society of Air and Space Medicine and Research, Dolphin Aid and the Neurological Clinic Vogtareuth, Germany.
  • Zita Stenzel: Improving communication/mimic, face expressions in children with developmental delays with dolphin assisted therapy. Research conducted with support of video analysis.

Application in Steps


List of diagnoses
Because of our wealth of expertise in so many facets of dolphin therapy, the CDTC offers therapy for an extensive list of special needs and psychological conditions.
We have listed some of the areas in which we can help ..


After having discussed the program with your regular doctor or therapist, and received his/her approval, you can easily apply for the dolphin assisted therapy program at CDTC. There are several steps in the application process. We will analyse the patient's unique condition and help you make decisions.


Over the years several foundations have been established to provide financial support to patients and their families who wish to participate in the Dolphin Assisted Therapy Program in Curaçao.
On this page you will learn about the different foundations that are active in various regions in The Netherlands, Germany & the USA.